About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Amanda Crow. I am a mother of four amazing children: three who are here with me on earth, and one who is awaiting our reunion in heaven. I am a homeschooling mom who embraces the life God has given me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is another couple from our church who is burying their child this week. I had no words of wisdom or comfort for them...all I can say to myself is WHY? I know God is sovereign and works all things for good for those that love Him, but why can't He give His children some answers when they need them? I remember how small Macie's casket was, but this casket was so much smaller. I looked at it and thanked God that I was able to watch Macie grow, at least for a while. Why do these parents have to bury their son, yet there are babies born to drug addicts that survive? Why do people struggle with infertility, yet over 4,000 babies a day are aborted. Why did my daughter die when we were always so protective. For crying out loud, I didn't even let my kids eat foods with high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, or sodium nitrites. I always knew where they were. They weren't allowed to ride their bikes around the neighborhood, or walk home from the bus stop (which I only allowed Jordan to ride home once a week). So why did my daughter die when there are so many parents that could care less where their kids are??? My daughter was killed playing in her back yard with her brother. Where's the justice in that? What did these parents do to deserve their heartache? Whenever I get on this rampage, I feel a strong conviction and realize that nothing in life is fair.

Is it fair that I have a happy marriage, while our friends are getting divorced? Why was I able to conceive 4 healthy children without ever trying, yet my sister-in-law can't conceive one? Why do we have loving families around us to help us through our grief, yet there are orphans without a home? Why do we always have plenty to eat when much of the world goes hungry? Absolutely nothing in this life is fair. It's also not fair that Jesus had to die for our sins, but he did. One day our questions will be answered, but until then, I believe God can handle our "whys."


  1. claudine@orphanscry.comSeptember 9, 2010 at 8:00 AM

    still praying for all of you. and still sorry for the cup you've had to drink. i don't understand. i have lots of questions. lots of why's. david had lots of them too.

    one day all of them won't matter anymore. one day all the wrong will be made right. praying you'll all be able to walk forward into the future He has for each of you, sensing daily His powerful presence in your lives.

    my heart still aches for you. i'm sure it always will.

    claudine t in md

  2. I'm praying for you and your family, your strength amazes me.

  3. These things happen because this is not the world Jesus created - when sin entered everything changed - everything. I am comforted that His promises are true and He will come take us home and this world and all its sin will end. Sadly, most people will not be happy to see Him because they don't accept Him now. We must keep our eyes on Him

